Please follow these instructions carefully to ensure a successful setup:
Email Account Activation:
Initially, you need to activate your email account by linking your phone number.
Visit and log in with the provided credentials.
Logging into Your Gaming Device:
After activating the email, proceed to log in on your Xbox App on PC :)
Testing the Account:
It's crucial to first test the account in-game before making any changes to the password or gamertag. This is to ensure the save data syncs correctly from the cloud.
Please make sure you log in first to test the account before
Post-Testing Actions:
Once you have tested the account on your Xbox or PC, you are permitted to modify all account details. The account is entirely yours.
You have the option to change the gamer tag for free on the first occasion.
If the game starts anew instead of loading your progress, please do not be alarmed.
Contact me in the chat for assistance, and I will resolve the issue within 10 to 40 minutes.
For any other problems, feel free to reach out!
After completing these steps, please don't forget to leave a review.
Enjoy your account and have fun gaming!
Ensure that you have read and understood all the steps for a smooth experience.